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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Is Your Better Half Really Your Better Half?

I love Evan Marc Katz, his writing makes a lot of sense. It talks about what makes a good relationship  WHO we pick and why. In the end why it lasts. One of the lines that stuck with me in his article titled: The Most Important Thing You Can Learn from Old, Married Couples was this: 

“So when you’re assessing your dating prospects and are thinking past the lust phase into “Who will be wheeling me to my chemo treatments in 40 years”, consider that everything that attracts you comes with a considerable downside.”

How true is this! It’s not about looks or being financially independent or smart. It’s about having a companion who has empathy, compassion, who you trust, can see them being by your side during the hardest moments of your life.  Who do you want holding your hand in your doctor’s appointment? Who do you want to laugh with when life has you down? Who will compromise with you? Who will you be able to communicate your feelings with even when it’s something they don’t want to hear?

Looks fade. Money comes and goes. Brains well face it anyone can be smart if they apply themselves. But who do you want to wake up to everyday and conquer the world with?

People who I pictured a future with where people I could be real with. Who I could discuss anything and everything with. Someone I trusted to emotionally be able to take care of me. Isn’t that important?

Read his full article here  


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