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Friday, September 11, 2020

Reading For Pleasure & Self Growth

I once read someplace that said a person who reads is an evolving person. We aren’t stuck to be one type. We aren’t stuck to be the same we have always been. We can evolve. Everyday. 

I have a stack of books on my nightstand. Probably close to 10. I love when I see that stack. I was a different version of myself every time I picked up one of those books. It helped me see things differently. I was eager to change. I was eager to overcome some really rough and bad patches in my life. I didn’t want to hang onto pain or anger or hurt. I wanted to grow as a person. Heal. Be at peace. Be happy and calm. Live a life I chose to live. 

Did my books help me? Absolutely but what really helped was my mindset to want to change. You can’t change unless you want to. There’s a difference. 

Out of all the books the one that helped me tremendously was the one by Kamal Ravikant. “Love yourself like your life depends on it.” Life changing. It opened my eyes up to so much. I would reread chapters and loved how I viewed things differently every time. 

I never noticed how much I did change until I was speaking to someone about my past. How I fought so hard to own my mistakes and my part in the failures  so I didn’t repeat them again. I evolved so fast because I wanted a different life so badly. I wanted to change. I wanted to have my true self be present not hidden behind pain or failures or self doubt. I wanted to present myself to the world in my truest form. Like it or not this is me. The real me. 

What books have helped you evolve? 

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