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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

When Was The Last Time You Spoke How You Felt?

Say it. Whenever you feel it. I do. Regardless of what comes back. My boyfriend left this morning and I replayed our conversations in my head over and over and my heart melted. I literally felt a wave of happiness over me and I texted him that. Even if I spent the last 5 days with him I still wanted to tell him again. I wanted to tell him I loved him over and over. Because he makes me feel amazing and I will forever make him feel the same way. Even his response melted my heart. 

You can’t love someone too much. You can’t show them enough how they make you feel. If I love you I make sure you know. He does the same to me. It’s not lust or nauseating. It’s real. We are best friends. We have real conversations. Fun date nights. We honor our space yet hug and make sure we know how appreciative we are. He’s 100% there for me and I am 100% there for him. 

It may not be forever. Who cares. No one has forever. It’s for now. So focus on making it amazing. 

Do it. Tell your partner how amazing they make you feel. Just out of the blue. Text them or call them or tell them in person. Just say you make my heart happy. You make my life full. I promise they are feeling the same way. I promise it makes your day so much better. 

Don’t say I love you to just say it. Say it because you feel it in your soul. 

We live in a society where we don’t do this enough. We need to. Start with you. 

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