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Saturday, March 27, 2021

When People Show Their True Colors

Respect is a huge deal. When you don’t respect someone you just dismiss their presence. They no longer affect you. You can go from loving someone and giving them your all to just not bothering with them. 

I rekindled a friendship a couple years ago. I won’t regret those memories but I did notice a pattern in this person’s life. At first I didn’t understand how she could be single or lack friendships. I really couldn’t. But then her patterns started to speak for themselves. 

It’s been a month since we spoke. At times I think of that person and notice once happy thoughts now are some bitter ones. I lost respect for that person not because of just their actions towards me but because of their patterns. Because their true self was always being revealed but I covered it up. That until they break these patterns they will always have the same friendship and relationship failures. 

This was a perfect example of how people are only chapters in our life. You take the good and let go once that chapter has ended. 

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