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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Setting Boundaries Is Ok!

It’s ok to set boundaries. It’s ok to say when you’re not ok with something. 

My boyfriend wants to be together forever. He doesn’t let anything bother him. NOTHING.  He feels I should trust 100% no matter what. He trusts me 100% no matter what. 

I have had different experiences than him. I have been lied to or heart broken etc….Sometimes history repeats  itself. You get tested. 

We don’t have the same experience with love and relationships. Our boundaries are different and that’s ok. I still make sure I make them clear. 

Just because they aren’t aligned doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be respected.

There’s pros and cons to setting boundaries. It wasn’t set from the beginning it was more set along the way when we faced some situations I wasn’t comfortable with. The main thing is to communicate them. What one person may find acceptable another may not. 

We agreed to always discuss and communicate when we feel boundaries have been crossed or need to be better aligned. 

What do relationship boundaries mean to you? Great article about them. 

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