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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I Am NOT Your Friend Just Yet...

Having three girls is not easy. It's hard to teach them to be ladies while teaching them to stand up for themselves. It's also hard to draw the line between being their mother and being their friend. I do NOT want to be their friend just yet...

It's almost like I get to watch my future best friends grow up. I get to help guide them to be what they want to be. I get to teach them about morales and right from wrong. I get to help their strengthens shine and work on their flaws. It's not easy and yet it's so rewarding. 

They will hate me at times and I am ok with that. As long as I keep them safe and smart I don't need to be liked always. At the end of the day it's nice to just hang with them and be silly. It's nice for them to see a side of me they don't get to see when I am being "Mom"

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