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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Thanks Readers... Girls Rule!

I have three men in my immediate family and the rest are girls/women, 8 to be extact. I come from a family of three girls and I have three girls and a niece on my side of the family. This doesn't include the multiple aunts and girl cousins.  Needless to say we have always ruled since there are so many of us. I can tell that most of my readers are women because it's Sunday which is football season and my blog got 43 hits during the day and well Football is on and yes women do watch football too but which man would be missing a game to read about me or my inspiring quotes, stories and recipes. Just saying. 

So ladies raise your fists, glasses of wine and cheers to womanhood. Yeah I know I know we are not always as cool and calm as we look! Oh and for my male readers I love you all too. Really I do. Don't take offense. I am just having a "Girls Rule" Moment!

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