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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

There's Always Someone Who Can Relate To You

I am a vocal person, as you can tell from my posts, I love to share how I feel and opinions. When I had Cancer a friend messaged me and said had melanoma and was embarrassed from it and saw how I was opening up and wish I could too. She's a beautiful woman. So silly I said to her. In Highschool I loved laying out and had friends who worked at tanning booths. We all did the " fake and bake" we were just the lucky ones who didn't get Cancer from it. Unfortunately she did. We chatted and I felt she gave me strengthen to share my Cancer journey with others. While I gave her Strengthen to share hers. 

My friend recently had surgery. Her little boy is amazing! Always happy and loving. He is on the spectrum and she is actively involved in getting special extra help for him. A group of us went to visit and we got on the subject about homework being a big chore. The women went on and on about how easily their sons got distracted. A light bulb went off and my friend said wow all along I thought since my son was on the spectrum was why homework was a chore. Nope the other moms replied. She felt relieved . It was a beautiful thing to witness. 

I recently spoke to a girlfriend about some personal issues. She said she had same issues and told me how she handled them in the past and how she could relate to me. It was extremely sincere and I didn't feel like I was crazy being able to relate to someone. 

It's ok to talk people. Not everyone wants bad for you. Speaking and opening up allows other people to come forth and say "me too" and it helps you deal and helps them deal! 

There will ALL be someone who can relate to you! It truly gives you strength and clarity.

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