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Friday, September 20, 2019

You Go Girl...

Women lift one another up. So grateful for my tribe. I am blessed with a lot of different groups of amazing women in my life. My mom, sisters and family members for starters. Then my best friends. My single girlfriends. My mommy girl friends. My college girlfriends. My not family but feel like family girlfriends. My be there for you whenever you need me girlfriends. My haven’t spoken but when we see eachother feels like no time has passed girlfriends.  Wow a ton of amazing powerful beautiful women in my life. 

Now it’s my turn to help raise amazing women too. It’s a circle of life. Us moms of daughters must step up and be a good role model. Show them what they are really capable of- anything they put their mind to. 

Grateful for my tribe. Be grateful for your tribe too. 

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