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Sunday, December 29, 2019

When Feelings Do Not Align

But they didn’t feel for you what you felt for them...

It really is something to think about and makes total sense. 

Divorce. Breakup. Splits. Lack of call backs. Think about your life. You fight with your significant other because you want them to feel for you what you feel for them. 

When feelings do not align it stirs up a ton of emotions. I want you to sit back and think. The person you care about or love how do they bother you? What’s the number one thing they do to upset you. 

Think about past relationships. Why did they end? How did they make you feel about that person?

The person who doesn’t feel same way wants to remain friends because they don’t have bad feelings towards them. They just stopping loving them or liking them in a way that would want them to continue the relationship. To have a future or bring it to the next level. 

When you look within you find the answers. It’s ok to be upset and feel rejected BUT do know it’s ok for them not to feel for you what you felt for them and vice verse. 

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