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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Families That Read Together...One Question & Meditation

I mentioned my new book I am reading.  So tonight I gave the girls 30 minutes before dinner to play and I read my book. I asked for a highlighter and my little one asked to help me. So I put her to work as I read. 

This chapter it asked “If I loved myself truly and deeply would I let myself experience this?”

So what is the “this” well that’s up to you to fill in. Could be anything. Could be in a lacking relationship. Could be a job you’re not happy with. Could be a bad habit you’re trying to get rid of. It’s up to you to really think about it. 

This chapter on meditation says inhale saying I love myself. Exhale saying.....

I won’t say what I exhale. It just kindof came out. It was along the lines of sorry I allowed myself to put up with bullshit I didn’t deserve. 

Now your turn. 

Sit against a wall. Close your eyes. Inhale saying to yourself I love myself. Exhale saying...

Fill in your blank. 

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