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Monday, March 28, 2016

What To Do With Leftover Easter Candy? Easter Chocolate Bark

My friend brought this to my egg hunt and it was amazing. The best part is you can really use any Easter candy for it. Make it unique. The original recipe is from I highly suggest adding in pretzels because the sweet and salty factor really made this dessert extra yummy.

What you need:

Add in candy substitutes.

Full Recipe:

Marriage...Did You Consider These Things Before You Said I Do

Marriage is a tricky, beautiful, frustrating, loving bond you create with someone.
Many times issues that take place BEFORE marriage doesn't go away once you're married. 

People have this assumption that marriage makes things better. It does create a lifetime bond but it also should be something you consider serious and problems should be resolved or at least addressed before you say I do or you will be dealing with it during your marriage. I would say half of the weddings I attended after I got married has ended in divorce. It's a hard thing to get through. People think change will happen and it doesn't. If something isn't right before you say "I Do" work on it before hand. 

Some Things To Consider:

People say you marry the person not their family. False. My family has flaws I know that but it's my family and if you can't accept their flaws then we will be fighting about them throughout the marriage and vice verse. It's normal to be protective of what you know. 

Money. If someone spends too much before hand most likely it will continue throughout marriage. If they can't juggle certain responsibilities unless they work on changing, the problems will still be there. 

Beliefs. As we grow our beliefs someway change but to a point. We become wiser through experience but most likely we will still disagree on things that may seem more important to one person verse another. 

Addictions. I have seen this over and over again. Bad traits and habits carry over into a marriage. People think someone will change but it takes a lot of work to break an addiction and habit. The person has to want the change to occur. It's not easy when you have to
deal with this. 

Below is a great article about some basic, yet true points you need to address before you spend your life with someone. 

What tips would you suggest?

Sunday, March 27, 2016

What To Do With Leftover Easter Bread? French Toast Casserole

I love Easter bread and this time of year I love how many people give me their bread. However, after a week of taste testing I hate to eat another piece so I made a French toast casserole that sits over night and is super delicious and super easy to make.

What You Need:
Loaf of Easter bread 
8 eggs (I use 6 whole eggs and 2 eggs whites)
1 1/2 cup of milk
2 tablespoons of cinnamon 
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of brown sugar 

Beat eggs and milk together. Slice Easter bread. Spray a Pyrex with Pam oil. Mix cinnamon and sugar together set aside. Layer sliced bread then coat with cinnamon sugar mix. Repeat. Then pour egg milk mixture over. Make sure coats top of bread. Top with brown sugar. Refrigerate over night. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with maple syrup and whip cream. 

Happy Easter Buona Pasqua

Happy Easter Everyone! Hoping you have an egglicious day 🐰

Friday, March 25, 2016

Easy Easter Crafts and Food Fun

Saw these easy fun, creative Easter crafts you can do to make this Easter more creative.

Source: Kitchen Fun With My Three Boys on Facebook 

How easy is this. I will be making these this weekend for the kids. So easy yet creative. 


Source: Facebook

Easter Fun: Celebrating Traditions

I LOVE Easter. It's my fav Holiday. I love the season of Lent (even though I don't give anything up). I love Palm Sunday and going to church and handing out palms. We always put a Palm cross at our grandparents burial sites. Which are so pretty and you can buy at any grocery store  I always have a family member make me a small Palm cross and put them around the house. 

Easter and Palm Sunday really brings me back to some happy times from my childhood. We would stop by my great aunt and uncles house and then go to my Nonna's to celebrate. Ironically my great aunt passed away this week. It's so symbolic since we would visit her always around this time. 

When I first had my oldest daughter I said I wanted to do a huge egg hunt at our house. I skipped it a couple times due to my Thyroid surgery and bad weather but other than that I look forward to it every year. Every year the list grows and I love it. It's really the only time I get together with all of my family and friends who have children.  This year we have close to 40 kids attending. I serve snacks and desserts and juice and water. Everyone normally  brings a snack or dessert to contribute. It's really fun. The kids play on our playground after and parents just hang out. It's really stress free for me verse other parties I throw because the kids are entertained and parents just hang out. 

I normally have every child get 10 eggs. Meet me on my deck and the find the rest. I want the little ones to be able to get a good amount too so to be fair I do it this way. I stuffed 460 eggs and must say Party City had some great prices. 44 bags of gummies for $3.99. If you're smart about it you don't have to spend a lot of money. 

I also love going all out and making creative stuff for the Easter season. I made my Easter bread and  handed out to our parents and sisters. I usually make plain and cinnamon and sugar bread.  

For the EggHunt I make my bunny cake and decorate it with my kids. 

I make 12 baskets to hand out to kids in our family. I know sounds crazy but it's fun to make them. I always try to buy things ahead of time so I am not spending a ton of money last minute. 

I usually give the teachers and adults a big chocolate egg which you can really find great prices for them at Shop Rite or Stew Leonard's. I used to always get one as a kid. There was always a little prize inside so it's like you get two treats in one. 

I love the little things that make Easter special to me. What traditions do you carry out for Easter?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easter Treat: Cotton Tails

When you think of Easter you think of baskets, egg hunts, Cadbury eggs and Easter bread. Well I came across these white cheddar cheese balls snacks made by UTZ. And just like white chocolate covered Oreos that only comes around the Christmas season well these only come around in my store during Easter. Needless to say I buy bags of them to fulfill my cravings and of course share them with family and friends. Trust me you will be addicted too. Plus they are gluten free- that's me convincing myself it's ok to eat guilt free. Go out and get them! Amazing!

For Best Thyroid Surgical Results Pick A Good Surgeon

When I met with my doctor who diagnosed my thyroid cancer she said if you do what I suggest you do you will live a long healthy life. So I did. I went to Yale New Haven and met with a surgeon who performed Thyroid removals every week. Not month, week. He was so experienced with this that it was second nature to him.  Her advice saved my life.

This article is spot on! This is your life and body. Your survival depends on the experience of the doctor who is performing your surgery. Don't settle! Do your research! You MUST see a surgeon who specializes in Thyroid Surgery!

Article: For Best Thyroid Surgery Results, Pick Doctor With 25-Plus Cases a Year

Picture Source: 

Survival Mode...Unless You're Dying You'll Get Through It

Survival mode. We all go through it. The stages of life that make us and break us. Now I am not one to be down. I love being happy. I actually hate stress. Not sure who loves it but some people like drama and change and well I do not. 

After having my thyroid out I notice whenever I get really upset or stressed out my body shuts down. Literally wants to just sleep. Can't function right. It's pretty scary and pathetic so I try to choose my battles. 

I was talking to a man who has done deep psychology. He made a statement that really stuck with me. When we get into a situation we put ourselves into a survival mode. We either fight, or flight. We stay in and fight or we run from it. We can't just break down and give up. We will survive our bad situations unless it's a death sentence we are facing where we have no choice to give up. 

I am one for stability. I love a routine and a quite simple life. I really do. I don't need a lot to be happy. I am not fancy or need expensive things or need a lot of attention.  So when my life becomes shifted with change and I feel unstability I get into a bit of a panic mode. Then my body shuts down due to stress. I know it's easier said then done but we all have crap in life that shakes us up. But reality is will we survive? YES. Will in time things get better? YES. At the time it's hard to see it. But we humans are like animals. We fight for survival. So don't give up when things shift gears  make a plan and stick to it. Ride it out. Stay strong. Don't break down. Because in the end you will survive. 

It's the Journey That Makes A Woman Strong

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Gas Spill Tip

Did you know if you spill gas in the garage a good way to soak it up is with Cat Litter. 

Yep...easy, gets rid of the smell and soaks it up fast.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Parenting Humor

Follow Your First Impression Quote

You Choose Your Own Happiness

No one can make you happy or unhappy! It's your own self that can really make yourself happy. So if you want to blame others for your own unhappiness then go ahead. If you think someone can fix your happiness you're wrong. It's really internal.

You have control how others make you feel. You have control over your happiness. I think it's hard to remember and easy to forget that! You need to love yourself. Really look within! Say I am happy alone or I choose to be happy regardless of what others do to me or expect from me. End of day no one will love you like you love yourself so stop basing your happiness on others!

Stop thinking if you do something it will make others create happiness for you. It's not easy. I know. But you choose how to feel! You choose your own happiness!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Perception of How Things Should Be

We all have this perception of how life should be. My girlfriend has had a series of bad relationships. She's in her late thirties. She's unhappy because she always thought by this stage of her life she would be married with kids and now she's single and down about life. 

Another friend in his late forties thinks he shouldn't be struggling anymore. Should have life figured out. Should have a solid career and be financially stable. Always wondering why set backs happen preventing stability. 

Another friend who is in his mid thirties and hasn't found his career path and feels he's spinning his wheels and not going anywhere. Constantly losing focus and career changes making it hard to save for a bigger house and stability. 

Another friend who didn't have a successful first marriage and now struggling with her second. She's always trying to get ahead and fears the thought of going through a second divorce in her mid thirties. 

Another friend in her mid thirties can't get pregnant. Everyone around her is starting families and her and her spouse don't know why they haven't been blessed yet with a family. 

I won't lie. My perception of how my life would be at this point isn't what it really is either. 

We all have a story. The hard thing is to say to yourself it's ok. My current situation is what it is and in the long term will be better. Then months and years pass and things are at a stand still. 

It's hard the pressure we put on ourselves as to what our lives "should" be verse what it is. The pressure causes us to not enjoy our current state and as the time passes we get older and keep thinking "when things get better I will be happy."

That's not it. We have to try to enjoy the waves of life along the way. It's so not easy. Trust me I know first hand. Have you ever asked yourself "Is this really it?" Or say "I will finally be happy when...." 

What perception are YOU caught up on that is stealing away the happiness of your current state? What steps do YOU take to let that go ?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Change Quote

Radioactive Iodine Treatment For Thyroid Cancer

I found this article that is pretty spot on about what it's like to have RAI Treatment for Thyroid Cancer. I had my treatment summer of 2013. It was a long 10 days. 

If you have to experience this then check out this article. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Wear Yellow On Saturday and Show Your Support for Endo March forEndometriosis

Someone very dare to me has this horrible disease. Show your support by wearing yellow on Saturday. Although I cannot attend the walk, I will be watching it and wearing yellow to show my support. Hopefully with enough awareness and support they will one day find a cure that affects at least 6.3 million women and girls in the U.S.*

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Daylight Savings Tonight: Spring Ahead!

Spring Ahead! Don't forget to set your clocks up an hour tonight! 

Here We Go Again...

Oh the joys of life and the tests we go through to see what makes or breaks us. I have had my share in my marriage and friendships and parenthood and just when I think things go up something happens and pushes it back down. Now I am a pretty strong person. I mean I have dealt with Cancer. Dealt with shifts in my life. Dealt with heartaches for loved ones. But what I realized through all of this is that it's all part of life. No obstacle is ever easy. No set back is ever easy to swallow and when you think you're back up something comes along and says NOPE let me test you again.

So here I go again... Another test and no I don't want pitty and nope I can't be bitter but I realized unless you live in a bubble there will always be something. 

After all you can't become strong if everything is perfect!

Put on your crown and handle the obstacles life throws at you!

Laughing Is The Best Form Of Therapy

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dear Mom... A Way To Connect

My 7 year old is already acting like a teenager and I am not yet prepared for it. I always pick her up from school and notice lately she's been giving me an attitude. Once we get in the car she breaks down and tells me what is bothering her. I wish from the beginning she will just say "something happened today but I don't want to discuss it." 

Other times when we are hanging or doing crafts or having dinner she will open up about her day. I know it sounds funny me writing about a 7 year old but for those who know my daughter she's an old soul trapped in a little body. She's extremely out going and smart and it breaks my heart when she's snappy because it forces me to put her back in line. 

Well a friend was telling me she gave her son a notebook. She said it can be a way for them to communicate with one another. I loved the idea and started it with her and it's amazing. She's asking me advice on certain things and I am responding back to her. It's something between us and with technology so advanced it's kindof nice to write to one another on a sheet of paper. Plus reading her thoughts makes me super happy. 

If your child has a hard time opening up or if you want to strengthen your relationship with them then I suggest trying this. It gives them a chance to open up and creates a bond between the two of you. Suggest it to them and say this is a notebook for just you and me. Write whatever you're feeling and I will reply back to you. 

It's not easy being a parent but it's also not easy being a child. We have to put ourselves back into their shoes and try to see the world through their little eyes. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Parenting Humor

Parenthood: Nobody Said It Was Easy

Some days are so hard. The constant complaining and mess. The endless cleaning and diaper changing. No one tells you the difficulties of parenthood until you learn it yourself. You don't quiet get it.

Then the calmness sets in. They run to hug you and kiss you. And you are their comfort zone. I read this article how kids act up when mom is around because mom is where they can be them. Where their emotions can be let out.

 It's hard. So hard. I will be real. But it's amazing and these little ones depend on me for comfort and love and being their for them for their good times and bad times. Sometimes I think man I am an awesome mom. Sometimes I wonder which one will end up in therapy over something I did. Let's face it. We all are trying to get it right.

There's NO exact way to be a parent. There's just love. And shelter. And treating them the way you want to be treated. There's a lot of deep breathing and letting things go. There's a lot of trying to get it right. Trying to let them know how much you love them even when they wake you up a million times a night. They came from me and I am their teacher. They're pretty amazing and I will take full credit for it. As for when they act up well then that's when I blame their father! But really no parent can sit back and say they were perfect but just love them. Love your kids and tell them how proud they make you. Praise them. They are just looking for our approval where ironically we are looking for theirs!

Love People For Who They Are Quote

Feel Good Song: Don't Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers ft. Daya

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Easter Bunny Visits Westfarms Mall

 With spring just around the corner, Westfarms is preparing for the anticipated arrival of the Easter Bunny. Beginning Friday, March 4, the Easter Bunny will greet visitors in Bunnyville -- a three-dimensional town for kids to explore. Located on the lower level in Center Court, Bunnyville features many places to visit including Hoppin’ Fresh Bakery, Hare Salon and 24 Carrot Bank. The last stop along the adventure is an opportunity to visit with the Easter Bunny and have photos taken. Those who visit the Easter Bunny will receive a complimentary gift. This special family-friendly holiday experience is being offered exclusively at Westfarms from March 4 through March 26. For more information visit

WHAT:  Photos with the Easter Bunny in Bunnyville at Westfarms


WHEN: March 4–26, 2016

 Monday through Saturday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 


WHERE: Westfarms – Center  500 Westfarms Mall

Farmington, CT 06032


About Westfarms

Westfarms, the premier shopping center of central Connecticut, features anchor stores Nordstrom, Macy’s, Lord & Taylor and JCPenney. 

*information and image provided by Sirica Marketing

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Saving Grace Turned 3

She turned 3 today. She's amazing! Her beauty melts my heart and her sponkyness keeps me sharp on my toes. I wanted her Birthday to be special. She saved my life.

 She's also my 2nd child and I felt a lot of events took place that kept me from giving her the attention I gave to my 1st. Cancer while pregnant with her. My Thyroid out 4 weeks after she was born. Left her for 10 days during my treatment when she was only 3 months old. Then I got pregnant when she was 8 months old and was tired a lot. So I always try extra hard to give her love. 

She is my quiet one. Very to herself but she's my buddy and extremely smart.  She's becoming more Vocal and I love it. I want to make her happy and I think I achieved it. Family party. Stamford Nature center. Out to lunch. Pizza and cake for dinner. Thomas the Train everything. She's my 3 year old. She melts me heart. 

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